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Charlotte Jane

A Simple Guide for Self Discovery and Self Awareness

Imagine yourself as a house with many different rooms.

It may be that we only live in a couple of the rooms and only go in the others very occasionally.

Some of the rooms might not be used at all.

If we imagine that the rooms are in various states of tidiness or repair, we can see self-awareness work as an exploration – a clean-up of all the rooms and parts of the house.

Some rooms may need refurbishing, they might have been furnished by our ancestors. We can think of these rooms being like the values and beliefs that have been handed down from previous generations. They may not suit us as any longer and we may need to clear out the old to make way for the new.

Some rooms may be very dimly lit. These may be parts of our self that we know little about or are unable to see clearly. We may need to turn the light on and shine it into gloomy corners to learn more about these parts of ourselves.

Only when we can see clearly can we see if any repairs are needed or if things need to be rearranged. Some rooms may be locked tightly or boarded shut. There may even be rooms in the house that we don’t know about – a cellar, a hidden loft, a roof space, or a secret passage. These could be the hurt, wounded parts of ourselves that might contain a lot of painful and difficult feelings.

We may not want to revisit these feelings but deep inside we know that there is a great freedom in facing our fears and hurts. Part of self-awareness and personal development work is opening these rooms and allowing them to see the light of day and be tenderly cared for. By doing so we are instigating and allowing our own healing.

The windows in the house may be dirty. Perhaps we are not looking at things too clearly and our perception may be clouded. By cleaning the windows in the house of our psyche we are removing old blocks and shadows from our view of the world.

We can look at all parts of the house as parts of ourselves and can explore the house and make the changes we desire to support ourselves in feeling ‘right at home’ within our self.

Get in touch to book a free consultation or find out more about my self discovery and wellbeing support. Email:

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